Episode 42: UFOs part 2 – The Kelly Hopkinsville Encounter

Welcome back to episode 42 part 2 - UFO's! Not only are we doing more 42-y goodness but it is also our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY SHOW! Yay! Thank you so much for being with us and make sure to listen carefully at the beginning for an exciting announcement. 
For our very first dive into the depths of space and extraterrestrials we head to one of the most witnessed and longest alien encounters ever recorded. With all of that it has become canon in the UFO community and has even inspired it's own festival. So get ready for spaceships, little green men (kinda) and apparently Area 52 (where all the super derpy aliens go) in this out of this world celebration episode!


Close Encounter at Kelly Kentucky New Era History Astonishing Legends ep 79 Astonishing Legends ep 80 Astonishing Legends ep 81

Cover Image: Monster Fandom

Newspaper clipping caption: This is the house near Kelly where little men from out in space were supposed to have been seen last night. With the gun is Lucky Sutton looking up at the porch roof where one of the invaders supposedly sat. In the doorway is Billy Ray Taylor, who says his hair was pulled by the man on the roof.


Episode 43: Omaha, NE - Squirrel Cage Jail and Cari Farver


Episode 42: UFOs part 1 - The Heaven’s Gate Cult